
Prevent Premature Ejaculation With Pelvic Muscles

One of the most rewarding aspects of creating a men’s health product is hearing from our customers. Over the course of the last year, I’ve personally had the pleasure of talking directly to hundreds of men who’ve had life-changing experiences from usin…

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3 Undeniable Reasons To Train Movements, Not Muscles

Since its heyday in the 1970’s, bodybuilding has been the dominant influence on how most everyday exercisers go about structuring their strength training. In the last few years, however, the functional training movement has begun to gain traction and p…

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How To Gain Muscle Mass Fast

For anybody looking to get in shape, they would be looking to not only rip away unsightly body fat but also to gain muscle mass in the process. That’s where many people tend to struggle. Gaining muscle mass is not an easy feat, and to combine it with l…

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9 Post Surgery Exercises To Help You Regain Muscle Strength

People who have ever had surgery will know that it can take a toll on your body. Some surgeries are minor, while some surgeries literally knock you off of your feet, forcing you to stay in bed for an infinite amount of time. Lying in bed for a long tim…

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Exercises To Restore And Strengthen Gluteal Muscles

Best Glute Exercises The following exercise program is just a guideline to restore and strengthen gluteal muscles. If you have an injury and suspect inhibited gluteals I highly recommend seeking the help of a qualified professional so they can determine…

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Connecting Your Brain And Gluteal Muscles

Our motor control system, which is controlled by the cerebellum in the brain, is responsible for coordinated neurological firing and is in charge of stability, balance, postural control, coordination, and perception. Brain And The Muscles In order for o…

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Strengthening Pelvic Floor Muscles To Ease Post-partum Sex

After all the stretching, contracting, pushing, and bruising during childbirth, your nether areas are too sore to bear any further pain. Post the much-needed rest, when you finally think of having some intimate time with your partner, you will be taken…

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15 Best And Worst Leg Exercises For Bad Knees (Without Weights)

Folks with bad knees can’t just do any leg exercise. Doing the wrong leg exercises will put extra strain on the knees and increase knee pain.[ref]A Complete List Of Bodyweight Leg Exercises (Beginner to Advanced), FocusFitness[/ref] The exercises I’m a…

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World’s Oldest Myth: Milk Is Good For Your Bones.

  Milk from many animals, particularly cows, has long been a regular food staple for many, but not all, cultures. It provides other food sources such as cheese, yogurt, butter and kefir and is a source of protein, vitamin D and calcium. But is Milk the…

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Bash Your Bones For Better Bone Health

The word “bash” has several meanings. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, one of those meanings is defined as: “to cause or allow something, such as a part of your body, to hit something very hard or forcefully”. Well, that’s what you need to …

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